Hey! I’m Anna

AMF Coaching came to life after to educate, empower and enhance women’s life in every aspect.  

When we say we understand, we mean it! 

AMF was built to help women feel confident in their own skin, something that I struggled with throughout my 20’s. Going from one fad to another in a desperate bid to feel and look better.  

I spent a ton of money and time on working with PT’s who all failed to educate me on how to create a sustainable lifestyle! I was convinced that just by going to the gym, 2-3 times per week I was guaranteed results!  

After 10 years of yo-yo dieting and feeling very low about my body, I decided to take matters into my own hands and educate myself so I can finally live to my full potential. 

I was thriving in my high performing sales career but never felt fulfilled. One huge piece was missing and that was my internal happiness. 

I built AMF with one simple goal: 

To ensure women don't waste precious years of their lives feeling uncomfortable!  

I want women to have all the information and support I wished I had then.
We are here to stop years of desperate attempts and fad diets. 

It's time for you to take your health seriously. 

My Why

Feeling Stuck and defeated made me feel extremely low about myself.  

I hated myself through most of my 20’s. I used to pick myself to pieces in an attempt to discover what was ‘wrong’ with me. I was annoyed I was going through life not really living to my full potential but doing nothing about it! 

I want to help women not feel the way I did: Helpless, lost and miserable! 

Back in 2018, I nearly lost my young(ish) Dad to a heart attack. He was 48 at the time! Thankfully he pulled through and still very much with us today and in good health! 

But that situation made me realise that life is just far too short to not live to your full potential. You cannot wake up each day and feel miserable and unhappy!  

Since then, I have made it my mission to ensure women do not waste their lives feeling like they are not good enough, feeling low and miserable! I want women to go through life and embrace each day! 

I want women to feel confident and  not miss any more opportunities due to their lack of self belief. 

My story

Like a lot of women, when I was growing up, being small equated to being healthy… or so the media would tell you!

If you wanted to be popular at school you had to be skinny, petite and pretty and that's where it all started!  

My first diet started when I was around 14! 

I didn't know at the time but that first diet started my very unhealthy obsession with wanting to be small.

I went on to put weight on and lose the weight, it was a vicious cycle that felt like it was never ending! 

I started my career in sales which then ran for 10 years!  

10 years of boozing, neglecting my health and basic needs that my body needed like sleep! 

After my dad’s heart attack I realised I needed to respect my body more and give it the basic needs it requires! 

This is when everything changed! 

I spent time educating myself, working with people who had great knowledge and built AMF! 

“ You are responsible to make your health a priority ”

Do you need accountability?

What our clients say

  • Jade

    I cannot believe just how much I have achieved. Initially my goal was just to feel a little better for my 30th. I ended up completely changing my lifestyle and transforming beyond what I thought was possible.

    I Spent years going through fad diets and never getting where I wanted.

    Since joining Anna, everything has changed. I am so much happier, I have better knowledge of nutrition and training and I LOVE what I see in the mirror.

    From knowing nothing about tracking and macros to feeling very confident in all parts of my nutrition which will stay with me for life.

    I will never go back to where I was, Anna has changed my life and I am forever grateful.

  • Sian

    Since working with Anna, my confidence has grown so much in the gym I now love weight training and I don't feel anxious anymore.

    Anna is so supportive and has given me guidance on technique and form which I take into every session I do. This has also built my confidence up when I dance in my lessons and also on a night out with the girls.

    If you are in two minds about starting with a coach, I can tell you now... I was on the fence at first. That phone call with Anna was of the best decisions of my life, I'm happier with food, I'm confident in and out of the gym. I get compliments from friends and family on a weekly basis. And this isn't a 'Diet' that I could potentially fall off of... this is now my life. Thank you Anna.


If you’re looking for jaw dropping results, then take a look at what some of our team have achieved this year.

More about me

I have 2 needy dogs

I love coffee

I’ve helped over 150 career driven women transform and change their life

My favourite film is The Lion King

I climbed Kilimanjaro

Let’s start your journey today, get in touch!